Ahh, good old friends. What would life be without friends. These pictures put the word old in old friends. Not because they are Grandma Salvucci age (ha ha) but because we became friends a lifetime ago. Carson and I have known each other since junior high when our stuck in the 70's wacky science teacher Mr. Dudra told us "you guys are wallflowers, man". Of course, it was years later until we learned what a wallflower was. Many Rush albums and tight high speed turns in his Audi later we're both married with children. It was great seeing you and your family after so many years. Can you believe 12 years went by? Kim and I go even farther back - since 4th grade. Mrs. LaHue had us singing Swing Low Sweet Chariot and Camptown Races nearly everyday. Oh, the stress in those days. We remained friends through thick and thin over the years, and some were very thin. Now, she's happily married to Mark and has a precious son Mason. It was great seeing how much Mason has grown since the first time we saw him. We'll have to get together again soon. The Red Sox are warming up. Last but not least, Smiley. Mark and I became friends at Fidelity in Cincinnati. We started out making the single circuit, hitting the Main Street bars one weekend and Mount Adams the next. Oh how we don't miss those single days. We're glad to be part of the married with children crowd. As you can see for Mark, he is recently with child (and still married - sorry you're not in the picture, Cam). Congratulations on Justin!